Tag: Millennial Evangelism

“No Religion”: America’s Fastest-Growing Religion

As I noted in an earlier blog post, “no religion” is outpacing Christianity as one of America’s fastest-growing religions. In a recent Pew Research poll, 40% of Millennials identify as “unaffiliated”[1]. I can almost hear some of you screaming at your phones now, “Atheism is not a religion! Atheists believe in nothing, ergo “no religion”.…
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It is Time for Millenial Christians to Boldly Share Their Faith

For 3 straight years, life expectancy rates across the US have declined – not because of worse medical care or a Coronavirus-like plague. No, they have dropped because of a dramatic increase suicide, opioid overdoses, and alcohol-related diseases. These are often referred to as “deaths of despair”. Google “US Life Expectancy drop”. You’ll find articles…
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