Tag: Reasonable Faith

Meet an Apologist: Dr. William Lane Craig

Bio Dr. William Lane Craig is the founder and creative voice behind ReasonableFaith.org — one of the web’s most influential Christian apologetics websites. The mission of which is “to provide in the public arena an intelligent, articulate, and uncompromising yet gracious Christian perspective on the most important issues concerning the truth of the Christian faith today”.[1]  This…
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“No Religion”: America’s Fastest-Growing Religion – Part 3

Recap This week, another Christian, whose opinion I hold with the utmost respect, raised a question regarding my line of logic concerning the emergence of life on Earth. He pointed out that a lot of the Christian argument against the spontaneous, undirected, rise of life mistakenly follows this line of thought: 1: X is a…
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“No Religion”: America’s Fastest-Growing Religion

As I noted in an earlier blog post, “no religion” is outpacing Christianity as one of America’s fastest-growing religions. In a recent Pew Research poll, 40% of Millennials identify as “unaffiliated”[1]. I can almost hear some of you screaming at your phones now, “Atheism is not a religion! Atheists believe in nothing, ergo “no religion”.…
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The Ontological Argument

Often derided, St. Anselm’s original ontological argument is not so easily dismissed.